Strategic Planning

Transform Your managers

Need help transforming your culture?

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the process of reflecting and establishing the direction of your business.

Strategic planning helps companies stay proactive, address problems and ultimately get the leadership team rowing in the same direction. 

Despite the immense benefit of strategic planning, a Constant Contact survey of 1000 companies revealed  that only 63% actually plan a year ahead. Another survey revealed that 90% of organizations fail to execute their strategies successfully. (The Balanced Scorecard)

0 %
of 1000 companies actually plan a year ahead
0 %

of same organizations fail to execute their strategies successfully.

The 7 - Step Framework

Using our unique 7-Step Strategic Framework, this off-site planning retreat is designed to align your leadership team to goals that truly matter, and offer practical support to implement. 

What your organization will gain from the training:

Together, we can transform your organization.

We can transform and grow your organisation to achieve the results you desire.

Reach Out To Us

Simply fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you.

Prime Target Consulting


PO Box 34010,
Kitchener, ON


Phone Number

+1 (647) 685-6772
